- AI bridging science and society

The world is undergoing a profound transformation; artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating both science and society. Nationally and internationally, the same questions preoccupy us: are humans adapting more and more to AI, or is AI adapting to humans? How will we live tomorrow? To this end, builds a bridge between different countries and regions as well as between science and society. Together, we address the topic of AI from different perspectives and consider it with our cooperation partners in a regional as well as - in an international context - co-hosted by our Brazilian partners from academia and extramural research.

    AI-Talks: Science meets society

    International AI Science Week

    Focus Countries

    • Brasilia
    • China
    • Finland

    In cooperation with

    Funding agency

    Reference DFG

    INST 759/38-1



    Head of International Welcome Center
    Georg Overbeck, MBA
    Research Consultant
    Krisztina Mattis, B. Es.
    Phone: +49 841 9348-6418
    Room: F110
    Fax: +49 841 9348-996418
    Assistance/Marketing StFT und SAFIR
    Anette Kainz
    Phone: +49 841 9348-6471
    Room: F108