O mundo está passando por mudanças profundas; a inteligência artificial (IA) permeia a ciência e a sociedade. Nacional e internacionalmente, estamos preocupados com as mesmas questões: os humanos estão se adaptando cada vez mais à IA ou a IA está se adaptando aos humanos? Como vamos viver amanhã? Pensando nisso, basci.net constrói uma ponte entre diferentes países e regiões, bem como entre ciência e sociedade. Juntos, abordamos o tema da IA sob diferentes perspectivas e examinamos o tema com nossos parceiros de cooperação em um contexto regional, bem como - junto com nosso país anfitrião, o Brasil - em um contexto internacional.
AI-Talks: A ciência encontra a sociedade
AI-Talk: Congratulations on the anniversary of AImotion Bavaria and how should science shape AI?
Tatyana Fernandez Kaulich, Managing Director of AWARE Center, talking to Bernd Sibler, Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts about the future of AI at the anniversary celebration of AImotion Bavaria at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. Prof. Dr. Marcio Lobo Netto from the University of São Paulo (USP), which is also a basci.net project partner, was also present at the anniversary celebration and offered his congratulations.
AI-Talk: Congratulations on the anniversary of AImotion Bavaria and how should science shape AI? (Kopie 2)
Tatyana Fernandez Kaulich, Managing Director of AWARE Center, talking to Bernd Sibler, Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts about the future of AI at the anniversary celebration of AImotion Bavaria at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. Prof. Dr. Marcio Lobo Netto from the University of São Paulo (USP), which is also a basci.net project partner, was also present at the anniversary celebration and offered his congratulations.
AI-Talk: An insight into possibilities of AI in medical diagnoses
Science meets society. In our new basci-net video, AININ's Christian Anghelide talks with Marc Aubreville, professor of image understanding and medical application of artificial intelligence, about the possibilities and potential of AI in medical diagnostics.
AI Talk: A historical review on definitions
Science meets society. Where does the term artificial intelligence come from and who researched it first? Dr. Rudolf Seising from the Deutsches Museum in Munich explains the origins of AI in an interview with Camilla Heller from THI.
AI-Talk: AI and a kid's perspective
Will Artificial Intelligence do our kids´ homework? Science meets society in the parent-child office at the THI. Prof. Torsten Schön of THI answers the questions of 10-year-old Sophia Sommer in our newest basci-net video.
AI-Talk: AI in Smart Cities
Science meets Society. Our newest video interview features representatives Dr. Mara Cole and Jennifer Reinz-Zettler of our project partner Bayern Innovativ who discuss fields of application of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Cities.
AI-Talk: Will Artificial Intelligence be more intelligent than Human Intelligence?
Will Artificial Intelligence be more intelligent than human intelligence in the future? A perspective from Brazil: Dr. Jochen Hellmann from DWIH in São Paulo talks to CEO Marcus Lima, PhD.
AI-Talk: Frankenstein - The First Artificial Man
In Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein - or the Modern Prometheus" the first artificial man - the first artificial intelligence, so to speak - is created . Prof. Dr. Marion Maria Ruisinger, Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld and Sonja Bedington discuss trust in science as well as freedom, responsibility and communication in science. Filming took place at the German Museum of Medical History in Ingolstadt, under Corona conditions and therefore with FFP2 masks. How fitting that Mary Shelley also wrote the novel "The Last Man: A Pandemic Novel".
AI-Talk: New AI Technologies applied to the electricity sector in Brazil (Kopie 1)
Dr. Rodrigo Jardim Riella talks about the use of artificial intelligence in the Brazilian electricity sector, Lactec's research activities, and funding opportunities in the AI sector.
AI-Talk: How autonomous can or should a vehicle really be
Andreas Riener, professor of human-machine interaction at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), explains the difference between autonomous and automated driving and the use of Artificial Intelligence in this field.
AI-Talk: Brazilian Scientists Discussing Artificial Intelligence
Science meets society. As part of the www.thi.de/go/bascinet project, our partners Prof. Lobo Netto und Prof. Cozman der Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil discuss expectations and effects of artificial intelligence. How could it change our daily lives, how far are we from science fiction where avatars take control. And what can we objectively expect in the next few years?
Semana Internacional da Ciência AI
Doors open with the mouse
The university opened its doors to the mouse: On 3 October, it was explained to the around 130 participating children why search engines often know more about us than we do ourselves. How machines can learn how we humans think. Chemical compounds that make crystals shimmer in all the colours of the rainbow. Why exciting connections between metals generate electricity. Or how connecting the real world with the virtual world can make going to school safer.
On Campus Festival on June 24th, 2022
basci.net civic events: Bridge between science and society
The basci.net citizens' event in November 2021 unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. Some of the planned programme items could be offered as part of the On Campus Festival on June 24th, 2022.
Semana Internacional da Ciência AI
Os eventos do cidadão basci.net como ponte entre a ciência e a sociedade aconteceram de 15 a 19 de novembro de 2021. Infelizmente, o Dia de Transferência em 19 de novembro de 2021 teve que ser cancelado devido à Corona e provavelmente será compensado em maio de 2022.
International AI@motion Network Conference
A Conferência Internacional AI@motion Nework foi realizada de 15 a 19 de novembro de 2021.

A Sessão 2 AWARE+SHARE: AI & Industry 4.0 (Inglês) ocorreu durante a Semana da Ciência AI, de 15 a 19 de novembro de 2021.

Georg Overbeck, MBA

Krisztina Mattis, B. Es.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6418
Room: F110
Fax: +49 841 9348-996418
E-Mail: Krisztina.Mattis@thi.de

Anette Kainz
Phone: +49 841 9348-6471
Room: F108
E-Mail: Anette.Kainz@thi.de