Building bridges for sustainable energy partnerships: a joint German-Brazilian initiative for research and innovation in the fields of solar energy, electromobility, second-life batteries and green hydrogen

The BMBF is funding this German-Brazilian project, which aims to contribute to solving global climate problems through research into solar energy, electromobility, second-life batteries and green hydrogen. Under the joint leadership of the project partners - Ingolstadt University of Technology (THI), the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) - it aims to establish an interactive research network and joint laboratories.

Project goals:

  • Establishment of a BRIDGES research network in the fields of solar energy, electromobility, second-life batteries and green hydrogen through the creation of a joint research and innovation laboratory at the Fotovoltáica Institute of the UFSC
  • Creation of strong bilateral research structures with long-term funding
  • Recruitment of top researchers from other Brazilian and German universities
  • Developing innovative solutions for global climate problems by creating environmentally friendly energy storage solutions
  • Strengthening the international competitiveness of the participating partner universities
  • Strengthening the innovative power of the industrial partners
  • Increasing the visibility of the BRIDGES research initiative in the international research community and industry.

Project partners


Funding organisation: BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Funding area: Call for funding to promote long-term partner structures for research and innovation in Latin America

Period: 02/2025 - 01/2030

Volume: approx. 700,000 €



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Diel
Phone: +49 841 9348-2392
Room: A220
Magdalena Mühldorfer, M.A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2111