The Reference Centers in Innovative Technologies (CERTI) is an organization that supports companies in the development of innovative solutions, with special emphasis on advanced technologies through projects (products, processes, systems, businesses, enterprises, etc.), technological services, training and consulting. Its Reference Centers in Digital Convergence, Mechatronics, Metrology & Instrumentation, Productive Processes, Energy, Green Economy and Innovate Entrepreneurship develop innovative solutions in comprehensive teams involving the clients in all phases of the project and thus guarantee an effective technology transfer. In this innovation process we usually also collaborate with other C&T-institutions and international partners. For 32 years, we have been closely cooperating with Germany and important partnerships have been developed with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Berlin Partner, as well as with the University of Applied Sciences Aachen, the Technical Universities of Erlangen and Dresden, and with Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI).
Partnership CERTI – AWARE

THI and CERTI Foundation identified multiple interfaces and joint topics of research that are jointly enhanced within the framework of the AWARE network. Particularly in the area of traffic and vehicle safety and with the use of simulators for data collection and training purposes to contribute to safer roads and vehicles in the future, CERTI Foundation and THI with their research and test center CARISSMA see great potential in joint research. The key technology of electric vehicles represents another interface of our cooperation. With an emphasis on academic exchange, the AWARE network provides, through the cooperation agreement with CERTI, internships for studies and R&D work in its reference centers. Working in international teams, our interns focus on innovative solutions for technical problems and challenges in the most diverse areas. Solving real problems and improving real products is a motivating challenge fostering at the same time significant, professional skills, such as international teamwork, interdisciplinary approach and project management. Formally included in a structured internship program at UFSC, our interns have access to all disciplines of the university and can thus complement their practical work with theoretical input.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Alberto Schneider