Second Edition (November 2024):

Building Tomorrow: Sustainability through Technologies and Key Skills

Current Trends in Germany and Latin America


Session 1 - Connected for Change: Exploring IoT Technologies and Essential Skills for a Sustainable Future

  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Großmann, Vice President for Knowledge and Technology Transfer and Professor for Digital Production at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

  • Building a bridge between IoT and the Sustainable Future

    Prof. Dr. Gian Berkenbrock, Professor at UFSC, Brazil

  • Sustainable Technologies between Hype and Reality

    Torsten Jung, Leading Expert at Pixida GmbH

Session 2 - AI Revolution: Pioneering Technologies and Vital Skills for Sustainability

  • Control Strategies for Autonomous Aerial Swarms: AI Solutions

    Prof. Dr. Gerhard Elsbacher, Professor for AI Aeronautical Engineering and Product Development at Technische Hochsule Ingolstadt

  • AI: Improving Safety in Intelligent Vehicles and Robots

    Prof. Dr. Fernando Osório, Professor and Researcher at USP University of Sao Paulo

  • Dr. Andreas Schweiger, AIRBUS

Session 3 - Journey to Tomorrow: Mobility Technologies and Essential Skills for Sustainability

  • Road Safety and Vision Zero - Still a global Challenge

    Prof. Dr. Werner Huber, Head of CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD) and Research Professor at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

  • Smart Cities & Urban Mobility

    Prof. Dr. Marcio Netto, Professor for Electrical Engineering of University of Sao Paulo

  • Embraer Initiatives for Sustainable Future

    Vincius Di Nucci, Head of Zero Emission at EMBRAER

Session 4 - Powering Tomorrow: Energy Technologies and Vital Skills for Sustainability

  • Second-Life Batteries for Stationary Applications

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Diel, Professor at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

  • Solar photovoltaics, energy storage, elecrical mobility and green hydrogen

    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rüther, Director f the Solar Energy Laboratory Fotovoltaica/UFSC

  • Challenges and opportunities in Smarter Grits

    Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Jardim Riella, Coordinator of the Competence Centre of Lactec - Future Grid


Find the detailed program here.

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Contact THI

Managing Director im Lateinamerikazentrum "AWARE"
Magdalena Mühldorfer, M.A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2111