RITUSS (Retail – Responsibility – Industry – Innovation – Technology – Sustainability)
Cooperation between THI Business School, Senac and UFSC
Within the frame of the AWARE network, THI Business School together with Senac (National Service of Commercial Apprenticeship Senac) in Santa Catarina and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) established in 2014 an exchange group called RITUSS (Retail – Responsibility – Industry – Innovation – Technology – Sustainability) with the goal to promote the exchange of technological knowhow and expertise regarding different markets and to share research projects. RITUSS researchers found out that the German market is quite comparable to the market in Santa Catarina, however there is a certain delay in trends and technologies in southern Brazil in terms of adjustments to reality of “first world” economies.
Apart from student and professor exchange, the cooperation encompasses a variety of activities: joint events such as technology forums, development of joint international MBA programs in Retail Management, technical supervision and support for students in market research.
Students from Master Programs of THI Business School have the chance to complete a research stay for their final thesis or an internship in a company in Santa Catarina (southern Brazil). Prof. Dr. Marc Knoppe can support with finding a fitting host. Studens from Universities of Applied Sciences can apply for financial support in the DAAD funding program HAW.International - Modul C.
Here you can find the report of Elena Frosch, who stayed in Brazil in 2019 for an internship.
UFSC students have the opportunity to come to THI for doing research on their final thesis. Please therefore contact Prof. Knoppe.
You can find an example for such a stay here.
Besides shorter guest stays for single presentations and workshops, Prof. Knoppe and the AWARE team are always eager to receive DAAD funding for a longer stay of 1-2 semesters of professors from UFSC.
Find more on the DAAD guest lecturer program here (only in German) >>>
In 2018, Prof. Evelize Welzel from UFSC was teaching at THI Business School for 1 semester.
You can find an overview on her stay here.
Experience reports
Funding Options

Prof. Dr. Marc Knoppe
Room: A240