Georges Lemos came to THI from Florianópolis in Brazil to study here and is happy to have the chance to be in Germany. Thanks to the contact between professors at the THI and the UFSC, he was able to apply as a doctoral student in Ingolstadt within the AWARE cooperation and is now researching in the field of materials engineering. Georges receives financial support through a scholarship from Science Without Borders as well as through the DAAD, which enables him to take a language course.
His work in Bavaria is always in cooperation with professors and students of Brazilian universities. These are important partners for him to develop experiments, but also to exchange knowledge. The contacts established in Brazil and Germany broaden research opportunities and generate new ideas and projects in the fields of production and materials science. For all this, AWARE has proven to be a stable link between the institutions of both countries. Experts from different fields have joined forces, thus enabling Georges to expand his network and contacts.
He is currently developing a creep-resistant metal-containing composite material that can be used for aerospace applications. The development of this material, which has great potential for innovation, benefits from the possibility of conducting research at various institutions that offer resources and opportunities to test the material using different techniques.
Georges Lemos
PhD from Brazil