Senac, a private non-profit institution, was founded in 1946, since the creation of the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC). Senac has nationwide representation and its main objective is to promote actions focused on the development of retail services and tourism through the professionalization and training of individuals and organizations. Senac, hosted by the CNC, provides educational service acting in State Federations in the economic interest of the trade sector, whereas SESC (Social Service of Commerce) is responsible for all kind of actions of social development for commercial collaborators and civil society. Senac is located in all regions of Santa Catarina, with regional administrative units and 28 fixed service points, with 16 technology colleges, two specialized centers, as well as professional education centers and mobile facilities that can easily be relocated. Our main goal is to offer a solid career to Brazilian citizens with a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, MBAs and executive trainings, both face-to-face or via distance learning. Besides training individuals, we also offer customized services, innovation and development programs, consultancies and benchmarking missions for whole organizations. Thus, Senac provides to both business and society opportunities for professional development, serving through education and training to economic and social development of Santa Catarina.
National Service of Commercial Apprenticeship Senac in Santa Catarina

Partnership Senac (Santa Catarina) – AWARE
In all our trainings and educational programs, our main goal is to teach how to offer high quality products and innovative solutions for any kind of social or technical program. Within the frame of the AWARE network, Senac, together with Business School of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) established in 2014 an exchange group called RITUSS (Retail – Responsibility – Industry – Innovation – Technology – Sustainability) with the goal to promote the exchange of technological knowhow and expertise regarding different markets and to share research projects. RITUSS researchers found out that the German market is quite comparable to the market in Santa Catarina, however there is a certain delay in trends and technologies in Southern Brazil in terms of adjustments to reality of “first world” economies. Through AWARE our students get access to high-quality and innovative training and our member organizations access to knowledge necessary to sharpen their profile and differentiate themselves from other competitors in the market. Apart from student and professor exchange, our cooperation encompasses a variety of activities: joint events such as Technology Forums, development of joint international MBA programs in Retail Management, technical supervision and support for students in market research. Further programs and technical missions are focused on the executive development such as the International Executive Program in Ingolstadt and the International Technical Mission NY that promotes technical visits to great American retail brands, international workshops and participation in the Retail´s Big Show from NRF in New York, USA where the THI had been joint Senac in the last few years.
Marcus Tutui e Silva
Coordinator of Management and Business Development Programs